This page is out of date, and the instructions on it are unlikely to work.  

The Computer Society offers you extra disk space, and the chance to use this disk space directly from your campus account. This can be done using the SMB protocol. SUCS runs a server called Samba, which is available at sucssmb. For most users the DAV option described above is easier now that almost all the campus machines support DAV. 

Getting an account

In order for you to use this service, you must have an account created by a member of staff. Once you have an account, follow the instructions below. 


To connect to the server, download mapsucs.bat and run it from the Command Prompt (Start, Programs, Command Prompt) with your username as a parameter: 

> mapsucs username

You will be prompted for your Samba password three times - once for every drive that will be mapped. The drives are mapped as follows:

Path Drive letter Description
sucssmbhomes h: Your personal disk space on SUCS
sucssmbwinapps i: Windows Applications installed on SUCS
sucssmbftp j: The SUCS Anonymous FTP site

Once the drives have been mapped once, a record of this is made in your personal Windows Registry settings. This means that your drives will be automatically mapped every time you log on. If for any reason your settings are lost, all you have to do is run the batch file again to recreate the mappings. 

Changing your password

To change your password, ssh to sucs, and use the command smbpasswd. You will be asked for your current password, then prompted for your new one twice, to confirm that you have typed it correctly. 

Deleting files

You must be careful when deleting files on SUCS over a Samba connection. The files will not be transferred to the Recycle Bin. You should not delete symbolic links to directories with your Samba connection as the files in the real directory will be deleted too. It is strongly recommended that you always use the Linux rm command to remove such files.
Page last modified by rollercow on Tue, 24 Sep 2019 11:52:11 +0000